
The Faculty of the Clinical Sciences is dedicated to equipping its departments with cutting edge technologies and laboratories including: X-ray, CT scan and Pathology laboratories. PAF Hospital Unit I and II along with KRL Hospital provide our students with extensive hands-on clinical experience, translating and integrating theory into practice. Upgrading our College entails presenting the community with highly qualified leaders, critical thinkers and compassionate caregivers.

(051) 9564299

(051) 9564210


Classified Specialist


08:30 AM-03:00 PM

FRI 08:00 AM-01:30 PM

PAF Hospital has 123 beds, 02 Medical ICUsGenMale and Female ward and Officers family Ward.

Medical department comprises of two units headed by Prof Brig Javed Iqbal Khattak.

Department of Medicine is recognized for house job, training and post graduate training in medicine.



  • Describe the clinical anatomy/clinical physiology, of the skin, heart, and respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, hepatobiliary, nervous, endocrine, musculoskeletal and hematological systems.
  • Mention and justify the steps to follow in patients presenting with common symptoms and signs.
  • Given any patient with complaints take full medical history, with appropriate sequence and comprehensiveness, and write it clearly.
  • Asked to examine a patient prepare the appropriate setup for physical examination carry out the examination in the appropriate manner, sequence and comprehensiveness attending all systems relevant to the medical problems.
  • Presented with real, verbal and written clinical scenario of common diseases the candidate uses his basic and clinical science knowledge and skills to correlate the clinical presentation, suggest appropriate investigations, reach a provisional diagnosis/ diagnosis and advise appropriate management.
  • Presented with real, verbal and written clinical scenario of common medical emergencies (e.g. a comatose patient) the candidate use his basic and clinical science knowledge and skills to diagnose, and take appropriate and prompt steps of management.
  • To diagnose and manage common medical emergencies like myocardial infarction, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, hypovolemia, shock, poisoning gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • To suggest various investigations case wise to identify and interpret various laboratory investigations reasonably. To identify gross abnormalities in the films to list indications and advantages of modern techniques to recognize major abdominal viscera and their imaging characters.
  • To describe manifestation of infectious and non-infectious diseases and their preventive measures.
  • To acquire the skills to perform minor procedures under supervision or independently.
  • To acquire a desired theoretical and practical level of competence according to the goals set up by the medical college.


  • Communicate effectively with patients suffering from chronic and malignant diseases, taking into account the burden on the family.
  • Reflect, though knowledge, clinical skills and empathetic behavior to the patient’s problems.
  • Counsel educate patients and family regarding chronic infectious diseases and their transmission e.g. chronic hepatitis C and B.
  • Break bad news taking into account the burden on family and community e.g. HIV positivity status, diagnosis of a malignant condition, terminal illness and weaning off from ventilator.
  • To develop excellent communication skills with colleagues, nurses, paramedical staff and public.
  • Comply with the hospital/college policy regarding attendance, team work and ethical responsibilities.



The department is chaired by Prof Brig (R) Ashfaq Ahmad Javed (Academic Head of Department) and Wg Cdr M Muttahhar Asim Niaz (Administrative Head of Department). The department has 160 dedicated Surgical Beds including 2x State of the Art Surgical ITCs having 10 beds each, a 10 bedded Surgical HDU, and 2 x 10 Bedded Trauma & Emergency Centers.

Our General Surgery Department provides general and specialized surgical services to patients suffering from a wide range of congenital and acquired conditions and caters for the surgical needs of Armed Forces Personnel and their dependents. We also provide surgical care to civilians as private patients. We cater for the needs of all emergency patients round the clock at our Trauma and Emergency Centers.

Our new hospital unit is located on Margalla Road with easy access to all private patients.

Our hospital units have well-equipped operation theater complexes. We are capable of performing all kinds of General Surgical operations and procedures with unmatched expertise and personalized care. We also specialize in Minimally Invasive & Laparoscopic Surgery including surgery for Gallstones, Acute Appendicitis, Abdominal Wall and Inguinal Hernia, Hysterectomy, Adenexal Mass Surgery, Subfacial Endoscopic Ligation for Varicose Veins, Varicocele Ligation, Gastrectomy and Hemicolectomy. Internationally experienced and certified consultants evaluate and manage patients with diseases which potentially require surgical intervention hence making it a leading general surgery department in Pakistan. To mention a few we provide specialized treatment in thyroid surgery, hernia surgery, gallbladder surgery, breast surgery, varicose veins surgery, abdominoplasty, and surgical treatment of cancer including treatment of breast, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer, thyroid cancer etc

The Department provides comprehensive surgical consultation and care in many subspecialties as well including Plastic and Burn Surgery, Pediatric Surgery. Our dedicated Orthopaedic Surgery Department caters for orthopaedic cases.

The Department of Surgery also offers extensive Academic Programmes for medical students, interns, residents and fellows. Our academic mission is to train the next generation of surgical leaders. We integrate education and research with clinical services, entailing a wide range of surgical treatments. We are accredited with College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan for Post Graduate Fellowship in General Surgery. Our residency and fellowship programme provide a comprehensive learning experience in surgery taught through clinical and didactic sessions. Residency Programme at Department of Surgery provides residents with the range and depth of academic experience and academic exposure required to develop superior surgical skills and an ability to make mature, informed, independent judgments. We have purpose built tutorial rooms for teaching of medical students and surgery residents.


  • Describe common surgical pathologies of the abdominal wall and retroperitoneum
  • Identify and recognize the symptoms and signs common surgical conditions
  • Describe and select appropriate diagnostic testing
  • Identify appropriate treatment options, and their indications and contraindications
  • Diagnose and manage common surgical diseases
  • Identify and manage surgical emergencies
  • select appropriate investigative tools
  • adapt their skill in the context of different basic surgical disease related examinations
  • identify and manage risk
  • recognize the need to refer patients to other professionals.
  • communicate information to patients (and their family) about procedures, outcomes, and risks associated with surgery in ways that encourage their participation in informed decision making (cons)



The department of obstetrics and Gynecology provides modular teaching in the decorated FMC curriculum. We start introducing our specialties from the first academic year. We are using model teaching training methodology including one to one teaching. On the clinical side we provide comprehensive obstetrics and gynecology services at the obstetrics and Gynecology department, PAF hospital Islamabad. We have faculty as per PMDC requirements .we will provide training to undergraduate and Post- graduate students in the near future .we have facilities to cater routine and high risk pregnancies. Day care services for obstetrics and gynecology includes endoscopic services such as laproscopy, Hysteroscopy and Colposcopy. We are capable of providing services to gynecology cancer patients and fistulas. Our students will have exposure to all modern technologies needed for training and Service.


  • To equip students with evidence based knowledge, practices and guidelines to enable them to
  • Understand Physiological changes in pregnancy
  • Interpret the blood tests during normal pregnancy
  • List the components of antenatal care
  • Diagnose and mange minor pregnancy complication in antenatal clinic
  • Recognize the danger signs in pregnancy and their possible causes
  • Recognize the high-risk cases in pregnancy
  • Define the drug safety categories in pregnancy
  • Recognize the public health importance of pregnancy care
  • Recognize common problems during pregnancy like backache, syncope, vomiting, constipation, and breathless and co relate them with physiological changes in pregnancy
  • Outline the physiological changes in labor and delivery
  • Define the different stages of labor
  • Enlist the different options of analgesia during labor
  • Outline the steps of physical and psychological care of a patient after delivery.
  • Compare and contrast benefits of breast feeding and bottle feeding
  • Advising contraception to an postnatal woman for birth spacing
  • Define the different types of miscarriages
  • Describe the medical and surgical treatments available for different types of miscarriages and their Complications
  • Recognize the symptoms and signs of a patient with ectopic pregnancy
  • Describe the medical and surgical methods of treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Identify the maternal conditions that require pre-pregnancy care and discuss the principles of management.
  • Plan investigations and interpret them to diagnose different types of anemia
  • Describe the pathophysiology and principle of management and complications of pre-eclampsia
  • Evaluate the screening tests for diabetes in pregnancy
  • Summarize the principles of management of diabetes in pregnancy
  • Outline management of women with cardiac disease and pregnancy during antenatal period, labor and delivery
  • Plan a workup for patient with abnormal liver tests
  • Enumerate the causes of seizures in pregnancy
  • Plan the management of patient who is epileptic and pregnant and monitor the drugs accordingly
  • Plan management of hypo or hyperthyroidism in pregnancy
  • Summarize the cardiac and management of primary and secondary PPH
  • Outline the management of polyhydramnios and oilgohydramnios
  • Enlist the principles of diagnosis and management of threatened preterm labour, preterm pre-labour rupture of membrane and preterm labour
  • Outline the management of post-term pregnancy
  • Outline the steps of management and possible complications in case of APH
  • Interpret reassuring and non-reassuring CTG to detect fetal distress
  • Distinguish between symmetrical and asymmetrical IUGR and compare and contrast their etiological factors, pathogenesis, principles of management and prognosis.
  • Enlist the different maneuvers used in breech delivery along with complications
  • Define the indications of external cephalic version with contraindications
  • Summarize the principles of diagnosis and management of Brow, Face and Shoulder presentation.
  • Critically appraise the factors leading to high MMR in Pakistan and ways and means of reducing it.
  • Categorize the obstetric and non-obstetric causes of maternal collapse and explain the general principles of management of obstetric shock including ABC
  • Plan the tests that are necessary for prenatal diagnosis.
  • Define the causes and investigations used to detect thromboembolism in a patient
  • Enumerate the causes of thrombocytopenia during pregnancy and outline the management of these patients
  • Critically appraise the risk factors of recurrent miscarriages and give a treatment plan for such patients
  • Explain the prevention, risk factors, and warning signs of uterine inversion, uterine rupture, amniotic fluid embolism
  • Draw a diagram showing the mechanism of Rhesus immunization.
  • Distinguish between immune and non-immune causes of hydrops fetalis.
  • Understand the common viral and bacterial infections seen in pregnancy that have implications on the mother, fetus and infant.
  • Understand the psychological changes that occur in the normal puerperium
  • Appraise the methods of treatment of uterovaginal prolapse and select factors that are important in the choice of best treatment.
  • Classify urinary incontinence and differentiate between detrusor instability and urodynamic stress incontinence.
  • Critically appraise the role of urodynamic investigations for the diagnosis of cause of urinary incontinence.
  • Appraise the changes and their sequence of appearance at puberty and describe disorders of puberty like premature and delayed puberty.
  • Categorize the gynecological and non-gynecological causes of chronic pelvic pain.
  • Evaluate the policy of laparoscopy for all women with chronic pelvic pain.
  • Describe the physiology, pathology and clinical picture of various types of vaginal discharge


  • To epuip students with skills to Take obstetric & gynecological history
  • Perform general physical and abdominal examination of obstetric and gynecological patients
  • Perform vaginal exam on a manikin including a per speculum examinations and bimanual pelvic exam
  • Demonstrate the steps of emergency care in case of danger signs in a pregnant patient
  • Demonstrate the seven discrete movements made by the fetus during passage through the birth canal on a manikin
  • Prepare and interpret partograms of normal laboring woman.
  • Demonstrate different skull diameters and landmarks
  • Read CTG and interpret in labour ward
  • Demonstrate on a manikin the mechanism of labor
  • Demonstrate how to take BP , tendon reflexes and clonus
  • Demonstrate Rush catheter insertion on dummy
  • Demonstrate I/V cannula insertion and catheterization
  • Demonstrate ECV and Breech maneuvers on dummy
  • Demonstrate different mal-positions on dummy
  • Recognize different forceps and apply vacuum /forceps
  • Perform pap smear and pipelle endometrial biopsy on dummy
  • Identify common gynecological instruments and endoscopes
  • Recognize various sutures
  • Counsel a patient concerning the maternal and fetal complications associated with eclampsia
  • Demonstrates IUCD insertion on dummy
  • Counsel/explain the methods of use of contraception according to scenario
  • Demonstrate MVA application on dummy
  • Demonstrate all maneuvers for shoulder dystocia on dummy
  • Demonstrate resuscitation steps on dummy
  • Counsel parents of a still born baby or intrauterine death of a baby
  • Counsel for recurrent pregnancy loss
  • Counsel a case of thalassemia
  • Counsel a couple with newly diagnosed downs syndrome
  • Counsel on a woman for breast feeding
  • Counselling of a patient with menopause


  • Demonstrate professionalism and mannerism especially bed side manners
  • Communicate effectively with the patient regarding Obstetrics and Gynecology diseases and its related issues
  • Understands medical ethics and its application pertaining to Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the patient
  • Adherence to the principles of No maleficence where one ought not to inflict evil or harm
  • Adherence to the principles of Beneficence, which implies that doctor should act in the best interest of the patient
  • Adherence to the principles of Autonomy, where the patient has the right to refuse or choose a medical treatment
  • Understands importance of informed high risk consent



The department of Pediatrics fullfils all the criteria for standard training of future Medical Professional with variety of cases and an academic environment.
Highly qualified and experienced Faculty members have created research based protocols for managing Pediatric patients and educating graduate and postgraduate students. Pediatric department of PAF Hospital Islamabad comprises of 50 beds distributed among neonatalintensive Care Unit, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, General Ward and Isolation. PICU and NICU are well equipped with state of the art Neonatal Intensive Care, Incubator Care and ventilatory Support. Training in the field of Pediatrics will be an enriching experience at PAF Hospital, Islamabad for the medical students.


  • Understand the horizons of the subject of Pediatrics.
  • Comprehend the terminologies used in pediatrics.
  • Understand the epidemiology of morbidities and mortalies in pediatric age group.
  • Describe the normal growth and developmental physiology in children.
  • Describe the vaccinations used in Extended Program of Immunization implemented in Pakistan as well as other vaccines with their consistency, doses and schedules.
  • Describe the common childhood diseases and their management according to the “ Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses” according to WHO Program.
  • Describe the pathophysiology, clinical signs , complications and management of hypovolemic shock.
  • Describe the basics of Nutritional requirements in children and morbidity caused by macro and micro nutrient deficiencies.
  • Understand the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of childhood diseases of respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.
  • Understand the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of childhood diseases of cardiovascular system, hematology, oncology, neurology, nephrology, endocrinology, rheumatology.
  • Understand basic principles of inborn errors of metabolism and genetics and dysmorphology.
  • Understand pathophysiology, etiology and clinical features of common inborn errors of metabolism and common syndromes.
  • Understand pathophysiology, etiology and clinical features of common childhood infections.
  • Enlist and interpret appropriate investigations to diagnose these diseases.
  • Enlist appropriate management plans for these diseases.
  • Diagnose and refer specific diseases to concerned specialists.


  • Take a comprehensive pediatric history and evaluate all components thoroughly.
  • Perform a detailed general physical examination of a child.
  • Perform gastrointestinal examination of a child
  • Perform cardiovascular examination of a child
  • Perform respiratory system examination of a child.
  • Perform Central nervous system examination of a child.
  • Take a comprehensive paediatric history.
  • Correlate the clinical symptoms to reach a provisional diagnosis.
  • Understand the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of childhood diseases of respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.
  • Understand pathophysiology, etiology and clinical features of common childhood infections.
  • Enlist and interpret appropriate investigations to diagnose these diseases.
  • Enlist appropriate management plans for these diseases.
  • Diagnose and refer specific diseases to concerned specialists.


  • Demonstrate self learning attitude and problem solving.
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills while interacting with the patient and attendants.
  • Demonstrate teamwork and positive interaction with colleges.



Fazaia Medical College has a state of the art ENT department, which has no parallel in Islamabad. We are fully equipped with modern surgical and diagnostic tools up-to-date with current technology. In the OPD, rigid nasoendoscopes and fiberoptic endoscopes are available along with multimedia and LCDs to facilitate the students in learning as they aid in better visualization of anatomical structures and increased understanding of disease. Our operation theatres possess all the latest surgical instruments used in advanced surgical techniques including ossiculoplasty, endoscopic sinus surgery, bronchoscopy, mastoidectomy, rhinoplasty and other head and neck surgeries. Emergency services are available round the clock. Latest equipment for hearing assessment is also present to assess hearing of children as well as adults.

Numerous studies and researches are being carried out with proper data collection to promote research activities among the students. The Head of department conducts clinical classes in wards on a daily basis for improved and effective education of the students. The junior doctors also take part in this process by assisting the students in examining patients. House officers and post graduate trainees are being guided in different fields in collaboration with radiologists and pathologists. The department has been recognized for post-graduate training by CPSP and PMDC. The students are being trained under direct supervision of the head of department and get a chance to present cases in clinicopathological and national/ international ENT conferences. Well organized journal club meetings are being held with input from other departments like radiology, pathology and neurosurgery.

A Cochlear implant center will be introduced soon in collaboration with British otologists. An Allergy center will be set up in the near future, keeping in mind the needs of our patients as allergic rhinitis is one of the most common health issue in Islamabad.



  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of auditory system.
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of vestibular system.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important disorders of external ear.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important disorders of middle ear.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important disorders of vestibular system.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of otosclerosis.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of Meniere disease.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of Chronic suppurative otitis media and its complications
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of tumors of external and middle ear.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of acoustic neuroma.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important disorders of facial nerve.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of different types of hearing loss.
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of nose and nasopharynx.
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of paranasal sinuses.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of tumors of nasopharynx.
  • Describe pathophysiology, diagnostic work up and management of adenoidal hypertrophy.
  • Describe indications, procedure, complications of adenoidectomy.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important diseases of external nose and nasal vestibule.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important disorders of nasal septum.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important types of rhinitis.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of granulomatous diseases of nose.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of nasal polypi.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of epistaxis.
  • Describe classification, diagnostic work up and management plan of facial trauma.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of acute and chronic sinusitis.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of complications of sinusitis.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of tumors of nose and paranasal sinuses. Describe the anatomy and physiology of larynx.
  • Describe the causes of Laryngo-tracheal trauma and its management.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of acute and chronic infections of larynx.
  • Describe pathophysiology, diagnostic work up and management of congenital lesions of larynx.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of laryngeal paralysis.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of benign and malignant tumors of larynx.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of voice disorders.
  • Describe indications, procedure, complications of tracheostomy.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of foreign body airway.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of neoplasms of salivary Glands.
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of hypopharynx and esophagus.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of acute and chronic infections of hypopharynx and esophagus.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of tumors of hypopharynx and esophagus
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of deep neck space infections.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of esophageal disorders.
  • Describe indications, procedure, complications of esophagoscopy
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of neck masses.
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of oral cavity, tonsils and oropharynx.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of ulcers of oral cavity.
  • Describe pathophysiology, diagnostic work up and management of tumors of oral cavity, tonsils and oropharynx.


  • Recognize the instruments used in ear surgery
  • Diagnose the common ear problem by examination.
  • Demonstrate the effective skills of ear examination
  • Perform ear suction and removal of foreign from ear.
  • Draw a labeled diagram of the tympanic membrane.
  • Recognize the instruments used in nasal surgery
  • Demonstrate the effective skills of nasal examination.
  • Demonstration of anterior nasal packing, and removal of foreign body nose.
  • Draw a labeled diagram of the septum & lateral nasal wall and Nasopharynx.
  • Recognize the instruments used in laryngeal surgery
  • Demonstrate the effective skills of laryngeal examination.
  • Draw a labeled diagram of the glottis and hypopharynx.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of resources (faculty, library, text books and internet)
  • Recognize the instruments used in pharyngeal surgery
  • Demonstrate the effective skills of pharyngeal examination.
  • Recognize the X-Rays and findings of pharyngeal pathologies.
  • Demonstrate the effective skills of oral examination.
  • Draw a labeled diagram of the oral cavity and oropharynx.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of resources (faculty, library, text books and internet)


  • Demonstrate the effective attitude towards the patients.
  • Demonstrate preoperative, post-operative counseling of patients and declaration of life threatening conditions.
  • Demonstrate the professional attitude, team dynamism and good communication in lecture hall, library and during clinical class.



Our department of ophthalmology has one of the most qualified faculty consisting of a Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior registrar and a Registrar. Our surgeons are carrying out a variety of procedures of both the anterior and posterior segment of the eye with remarkable expertise. Phacoemulsification with the latest multifocal and trifocal intra ocular lenses are being implanted here with excellent results. The future plan is to start with the refractive laser procedures and the complex vitreo-retinal surgeries. We already have a retina specialist as part of our team.

The department has also recently been recognized for post graduate training in ophthalmology by college of physicians and surgeons of Pakistan (CPSP) and FCPS trainees have started joining us for their 4 years residency program. We hope to start inducting MCPS trainees soon as well.

We have a well equipped ophthalmic diagnostic facility as well which consists of B-scan, A-scan, Auto-refractor, visual field analyzer, fundus imaging system and Ocular coherence tomography (OCT).

Curriculum Objectives


  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important disorders of the orbit.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important disorders of lids.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of diseases of the lacrimal apparatus.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of disorders of the conjunctiva.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of cornea. Describe the anatomy and physiology of the uvea.
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of the visual pathway.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important diseases of the uvea.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important disorders of the optic nerve.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of important types of ocular misalignment.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of common ocular trauma. Describe the anatomy and physiology of lens.
  • Describe the causes of cataract and its management.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of cataract.
  • Describe pathophysiology, diagnostic work up and management of glaucoma.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of refractive errors.
  • Describe pathogenesis, diagnostic work up and management plan of diabetic eye disease.


  • Recognize the instruments used in eye surgery
  • Demonstrate the effective skills of eye examination. Recognize the instruments used in common eye injury management.
  • Demonstrate the effective skills of extra ocular movements examination.
  • Demonstrate the effective skills of optic nerve examination.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of resources (faculty, library, text books and internet
  • Recognize the instruments used in eye OPD.
  • Distant direct ophthalmoscopy
  • Digital checkup of intraocular pressure.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of resources (faculty, library, text books and internet)
  • To diagnose, treat and prevent certain common eye conditions e.g.
  • Blepharitis
  • Stye and Chalazion
  • Dacryocystitis
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Ocular trauma / foreign body
  • Chemical injuries


  • Demonstrate the effective attitude towards the patients
  • Demonstrate the professional attitude, team dynamism and good communication in lecture hall, library and during clinical class



Group Captain Dr Muneeza Rizwan

FCPS Pakistan
Doctor of Medicine UK
Head of Dermatology CentreDirector Clinical TrainingFazaia Medical CollegePAF Hospital Islamabad


Acquired her higher specialist training in Photobiology from Salford Royal Foundation Hospital NHS-UK and also worked as Clinical Research Fellow in “Dermatological Sciences Research “ at the University of Manchester with the leading Dermatology Team of UK.
Remained Co-investigator for over 25 leading international clinical drug development and academic trials with focus on Biologics, Anti-Aging and Photobiology.
She is the author of a range of peer reviewed manuscripts and coauthor for a book related to her field of Dermatology.
She has special interest in use of Biologics in Dermatologic ailments, Lasers and Aesthetic Dermatology.
Her quest for medical writing has allowed her to be the chief editor of the newsletter of PAF Hospital.
She is also an executive member of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists and is also an accredited supervisor and examiner of CPSP.


Dermatology department is a fully equipped, aesthetically designed, state of the art department of PAF Hospital Islamabad. It is the first department of the hospital and PAF to be recognised for post-graduate training (FCPS, MCPS) in Dermatology in 2013. It is comprised of 3 OPDs, operating area, Laser area, highly advanced Phototherapy unit and a 20 bed Dermatology ward. We are the tertiary care centre looking after patients referred from over 10 PAF Bases across the country. Our monthly OPD is over 2000 patients and we perform over 400 major and minor skin procedures/month comprising of Laser surgery, diagnostic and therapeutic mucosal, scalp and nail surgeries, microdermabrasion, phototherapy, iontophoresis, intralesional injections with dermojet, cryotherapy, electrocautery, mesotherapy, PRP, derma roller and dermal fillers.

There are 9 Residents in dermatology (3 FCPS, 6 MCPS). Department is also fully equipped with teaching facilities like department’s own multimedia, computers for the students, library and a microscope. They also have access to range of subscribed International Dermatology Journals. We have scheduled regular lectures, tutorials, journal clubs, case presentations and ward rounds for the post-graduate students. Students are also trained and supervised for conducting research writing articles.



Radiology department of PAF hospital Islamabad is a fully equipped department providing state of the art radiological investigations and therapeutic procedures. These include Plain Radiography, Fluoroscopy procedures including contrast studies of all body systems, Ultrasound- diagnostic and therapeutic procedures such as aspirations and abscess drainage etc, Doppler studies and ultrasound guided biopsies. In addition, we have the facility of CT scan of chest, abdomen, head and neck, and musculo-skeletal systems. Mammography for Breast cancer screening and diagnostic purpose is also available. Department of radiology is recognized for full time post graduate training by the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP). Presently both MCPS and FCPS residency programmes are being run in the department. House officers also undertake rotation in the department as part of their training.
